Worried about Climate Change? How you can do something about it

What causes global warming? 80% is caused by fossil fuels we use: petrol, diesel, gas and air travel

Burning coal oil and gas creates CO2 which causes global warming. Now you can do something about it. Plant trees! Because trees remove your CO2 footprint. We make it easy by planting trees for you

We remove your CO2 by planting trees

Campaign for Earth Day 2024

1 Person. 1 Tonne

To heal nature. Relieve extreme poverty. And tackle climate change.

For just £32 we plant 160 trees for you. Which provides 1 day of paid work for a family in extreme poverty.  And removes 1 Tonne of CO2 - not just for one year, but for every year the trees are growing.

Do your bit to stop heat, drought, flooding and sea level rise from wrecking life on Earth for our children and grandchildren - and for our wildlife too

Campaign runs from 22 April to end 2024

Removing CO2 emissions

For Families and Businesses

First cut your Carbon Footprint. Then donate to plant trees! We also help businesses to 'go green' and 'be seen to be green." Ask for our e-book about making it easy for SME's to go Net Zero

First cut as much of your CO2 emissions as you can. This means cutting CO2 by using less fossil fuels: less petrol, diesel, air travel, less gas for central heating, and less electricity - unless yours is 100% from renewables

What are benefits of planting trees?

Where we plant trees, this provides meaningful paid work which reduces extreme poverty and transforms lives. Planting trees also and restores healthy forests for animals and bird life.

Why n0co2.org to plant your trees?

Low cost per tree. Provides paid work for families in extreme poverty. And creates new habitats for wild animals and birds

How much does it cost?

You choose! Remove 1 Tonne of CO2/year with a one-time donation of £32.

Or remove the UK average fossil fuel usage for every year the trees are growing with a one-time donation of £224 for 1,120 trees to remove 7 Tonnes of CO2 per year.

Who is this for?

Why we need to stop global warming

This is for you if you care about our beautiful planet, our children and our wildlife. Because all this will be wrecked unless we cut our CO2

Share this with friends

MOST people are now concerned about Climate change. We just need to reach out to them about N0CO2. Will you share N0CO2 with your friends? You can do it now:


I support all efforts to reduce our CO2 footprint such as N0CO2.org
Brice Lalonde
Brice Lalondeformer Minister of Environment under President Mitterand 1988-1992, and French Ambassador for climate change negotiations 2007-11
I feel frustrated that politicians, corporations and leaders aren’t doing what’s needed. I am just one tiny cog. I thought I didn’t have the power to change anything. But now N0CO2 finally gives me the chance to make real change and right now. This is a game changer and finally each one of us the power to really do something. Now I can be carbon neutral, and even offset others too. And it’s so easy.
Juliana Meyer
Juliana MeyerCEO & Founder, SupaPass

N0CO2 is a campaign by the International NGO Saving Our Planet, which is registered in France Charity Number W751235109.


We felt we MUST stop climate change from wrecking our planet. We set up N0CO2 to make it easy for people to do something about it. N0CO2 is volunteer managed and professionally delivered. We spent our own time and money to set it up. Think about the fossil fuels you buy. Now Give Back for them. That’s all it takes. Please do your bit.

Awesome that you've read to here!

Most people now agree that climate change is the greatest threat to ourselves, our families, our planet and our wildlife. Would you like to help us to do something about it?

In partnership with Eden Reforestation Projects

Eden Reforestation Projects are planting trees for us in 10 countries including Madagascar, Indonesia and Nepal. Eden reduces extreme poverty and restores healthy forests by employing local villagers to plant millions of trees every year. Eden has planted over 900 million trees and created over 9 million workdays. Eden is a GuideStar Platinum Seal of Transparency rated charity.

Please remove your Carbon Footprint

Plant trees and you remove your CO2 footprint, create meaningful paid work, and help stop climate change.

Our Motivation

Charles Appleby

I think about a young person in the 2050’s. In the middle of massive climate breakdown. A World of rising sea levels, failing crops, food shortages, conflict over land, and millions of climate refugees. What on earth were you doing in 2022 to let this happen? What did you do to help stop climate change?

Stephan Savarese

My children are aged 18 to 23. What motivates me is the thought that climate change could damage the planet and the future not just of my children, but of EVERYONE across the whole world aged under 30. We could have named N0CO2 No kicking the can down the road!